6 reasons for the appearance of gray hair that should not be ignored

The appearance of gray hair is a natural biological process associated with age-related changes in the body. And the attitude to it is different for each person. Some treat the appearance of gray hair calmly, without reacting to them. Others, seeing gray hair, try to get rid of them in some way (cut, remove, touch up).

However, if gray hair appeared in a young man who is not yet 30 years old, then this indicates that changes are not taking place in the body for the better.

The appearance of gray hair is a natural biological process associated with age-related changes in the body. And the attitude to it is different for each person. Some treat the appearance of gray hair calmly, without reacting to them. Others, seeing gray hair, try to get rid of them in some way (cut, remove, touch up).Doctors named a number of reasons for the appearance of gray hair. And also drew attention to why it is not recommended to ignore these factors of the appearance of gray hair.

Heart and vascular problems

Experts concluded that the early appearance of gray hair in men may be associated with a violation of the cardiovascular system. And the appearance of gray hair may indicate the beginning of coronary heart disease, which at the initial stage does not manifest itself in any way. Many graying men are in no hurry to see a cardiologist. But a regular examination by a specialist is simply necessary. This will allow you to avoid many health problems in the future.

Vitamin D3 and B12 deficiency

It is known that vitamins D3 and B12 contribute to the formation of melanin in the body – this substance is necessary for coloring hair and skin. If the body does not have enough of these valuable vitamins, then there is a loss of melanin, and consequently, gray hair appears. Experts advise you to review your diet. It is necessary to switch to a balanced diet – this will help to solve the problem with gray hair for a while. High content of vitamin D3 in milk and dairy products, seafood and fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, herring, mackerel), cereals (especially in oatmeal). As for vitamin B12, it is most often found in animal products, namely: liver, kidneys, as well as in the spleen, muscles.

Excess peroxide in the body

As a rule, in people who have not yet experienced gray hair, the hair follicles produce a minimal amount of peroxide. However, when there is a failure in the production of peroxide, it begins to discolor the hair. With such a phenomenon, a UV-activated mixture is used, which is also successfully used in violation of skin pigmentation.

Tobacco smoking

Scientists have concluded that heavy smokers turn gray more often and earlier than those who do not have this addiction. Therefore, if you are excessively addicted to smoking, then do not be surprised at the early detection of gray hair. Having parted with a cigarette in time, you can significantly slow down the process of graying. In addition, smoking negatively affects the cardiovascular system, potency and reproductive function of a person.


Scientists conducted an experiment that proved that the experienced stress and a strong release of adrenaline can cause structural changes in human DNA cells. The DNA is destroyed and the hair is stripped of its pigment. Therefore, the effects of stress not only negatively affect the overall health, but also cause the appearance of gray hair.


Early gray hair can be a cause that is not only related to health. The whole point may be in the natural features of the body. The appearance of early gray hair is often influenced by heredity. If one of the parents at a young age has already appeared gray hair, then their children may also notice early gray hair. Experts as a result of long-term work have discovered genes that are responsible for the appearance of gray hair in young people and can be inherited. In this case, the problem of the appearance of gray hair can not be solved.